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How To Reduce Work-Related Stress

Do you suffer from work-related stress but are unsure of how to reduce it?

Removing the issue completely that’s causing you to stress can’t always be feasible.  But speaking with your manager on how you can accommodate your work to improving that is a possible route to go down. Whether that means spreading out your workload with other colleagues or reducing your working hours. Sometimes just talking to friend or colleague about your issues can help you manage them.

If you don’t know exactly what is causing your stress, take a step back and consider the below factors of your life to hopefully eliminate or reduce the causes of stress.

Take a look below at some ways that can help reduce your work-related stress.

Work Related Stress


Stay organised

By having a tidy and organised desk in your workplace, it will help you to feel a sense of control which will help to reduce your stress. Having some control also allows us to stay motivated.

Manage your time

Are you taking on too much work? Can you improve the way you work to make it easier? If you start your day by creating a to-do list of tasks, you will feel organised for the day head. However, don’t schedule unrealistic amounts of tasks to do as this will result in causing stress.

Have a healthy diet 

Food can affect your mood, are you eating healthily enough? Having a healthy diet may help to reduce your stress. Try eating whole foods, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein.

When under stress, some people will eat to comfort themselves. If you find yourself doing this, try to replace it with an action that will help to reduce your stress, such as going for a walk or listening to some music.

Alcohol, smoking and caffeine can amplify the feelings of stress when you think they are reducing it.

Exercise regularly 

Do you exercise enough?  Aerobic exercise is known to help decrease tension. So why not try exercise such as running or swimming to help reduce your stress?

Furthermore, if you can involve exercise into your commute to work, then why not?

Take a time-out 

Are you looking after your wellbeing by taking regular breaks and annual leave? Yoga is beneficial for stress management as it can help to lift your mood and increase mindfulness. This will help to encourage yourself to have a break.

Listening to calming music is also another stress reliever, as it can help to reduce anxiety, whilst making you feel more relaxed.

Positive attitude 

Having repetitive negative thoughts will lead to negative emotions.

It is important to try to replace negative thoughts with positive ones instead. This can be done by first of all recognising negative thought patterns and then starting to take steps back from them.

Get enough sleep

Are you sleeping enough? Insufficient amounts of sleep can lead to increased levels of stress.

Getting a good nights sleep will allow you to be more patient and less agitated, therefore you will be able to deal with anything stress you have in a better way.

Talk to someone about work-related stress

It’s important to talk about how you are feeling, whether that is to a friend, a family member or a professional.

Doing this may also help you to recognise what it is that’s causing your stress.

What are the Symptoms of Work-Related Stress?

Work Related Stress Spotting the SignsWork-related stress affects us all, some more than others. A little bit of stress can be good for you, it motivates and gives you the kick that you need. Although too much stress can lead to poor mental health and also workplace absences.

In 2017/18 15.4 million days in the UK were lost due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety. Stress can make people struggle to cope in the workplace, therefore it’s good to spot the signs early.

What causes work-related stress?

Stress can come from a variety of factors including excessive workload, lack of support, changes at work or conflict in the workplace. Outside of work factors can also be brought into work such as money, relationship, bereavement problems.

What are the signs of work-related stress

It’s important to keep an eye on yourself on your fellow workers for signs of workplace stress. Take a look below at the things you should be looking out for:

Behavioural changes

  • Withdrawing themselves from the group
  • Becoming indecisive or inflexible
  • Looking tired due to poor sleep
  • Tearful or irritable

Emotional changes

  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Sadness
  • Frustration
  • Anxiety

Bodily changes

  • Complaints about nausea, indigestion and headaches
  • Breathing quickly
  • Perspiring
  • Complaints about palpitations, aches and pains
  • Eating/exercising habits change

Characteristic changes

Characteristics of Stress

Because of this, we often start to accept stress as normality. However, when we can recognise what we are experiencing are characteristics of stress, we can then start to take control and begin to deal with it.

  • Multitasking – You may feel like you are accomplishing more when you are multitasking, however, our brains aren’t as good as it as we think we are! This can lead to being less productive, causing you more stress in the long run.
  • Feeling guilty for relaxing – We may often feel like we shouldn’t be relaxing because if we do, we don’t feel productive. When really, relaxation will help you to be more productive.
  • Overworking – It’s important to take time out and relax.  Spending your free time overworking will end up making you less effective at your job.
  • Impatience – Stress can cause impatience which can begin to lead to frustration. To avoid this, you firstly need to recognise that impatience is what you’re feeling, start to understand how it affects your mind and body, and then start to convert your impatience into patience.
  • Over-planning – You may over plan by scheduling unrealistic amounts of things to do in a short space of time. This may cause the fear that you are falling behind which will then cause you stress. This can be avoided by being more realistic with your planning.

By catching the signs of potential mental ill-health early, it will allow you to support someone affected.

Can I have time off work for stress?

Take a look below at what the rules are when it comes to taking sick days from work for your mental health here: Sick days for Mental Health

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